Monday, September 29, 2014

What a media planner/buyer's "To Do" list looks like during 4th Quarter

As media buyers and planners enter 4th quarter, a few items pop-up on “To Do” lists:
·        Reconcile all outstanding credits, invoice issues, payment issues to make the accounting department happy.
·        Settle all makegoods, missed spots, and odd trafficking problems before the fiscal year ends.
·        Verify all reporting has been done, checked and verified. Any anomalies need to be addressed ASAP.
·        Compare the planning budgets from last year to what actually ran this year. Use this as a starting off point to planning budgets for next year.
·        Reach out to the client to see how this year has been performing.
o   Discuss high and low points of the year.
o   Look for correlation between media and high and low points to discern how best to adjust the plan for next year.
o   Investigate any new opportunities that may work for future campaigns.
o   Evaluate current media partners and determine if it still beneficial to include them into the pending media plan.
·        Get back to the cubicle ASAP and start constructing budget options for the client and sending out RFPs to vendors.
·        Get RFPs back and convert into an agency approved proposal and send to the client.
·        Wait.
·        Wait.
·        Revise the proposal per client recommendations.
·        Wait.
·        Approval- MUST BOOK AND BILL EVERYTHING ASAP. Be sure to tell accounting staff that they are Rock Stars. They are and should be reminded of that from time to time.
·        Send out orders and confirm.
·        Update all flowcharts accordingly.
·        Check billing and approve it to be sent out.
·        Set up reminders to remind client for creative.
·        Send out traffic and ads. Confirm.
·        Set up reminders to get online summary reports, makegood requests, pull posts, etc. Pray your hard drive doesn’t crash because your brain can’t hold anymore reminder dates.
·        Cross of everything on your “To Do” list.
·        Get a call from the client and/or vendor.
·        Revisions needed.
·        Set up a new “To Do” list.

While this is not the full and thorough list, it covers the basics of a buyer/planner’s job during this time of the year.

Some people may read this and think, “Who cares?” First of all, thanks for reading up to this point. Secondly, most may not care, and that’s ok. Really, this is to provide a little insight in a buyer/planner’s internal monologue during this time of year. Believe it or not, we love this timeframe because it’s a chance to dig in and start a new campaign. Bring it on 4th quarter!

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