Friday, March 18, 2016

Pinterest Holds a Plethora of Possibility

Personally, I feel as if there are three types of people in the world. Avid Pinterest Pinners, people who draw a blank when Pinterest is mentioned, and men who roll their eyes at how much time their female counterpart spends browsing Pinterest. I happen to be the first type of person. Pinterest is, by far, my favorite social network.

Pinterest is a website that allows you to share, collect, store, and organize ideas that you find online. Users can scroll through their news feed to see Pins (or ideas) that their friends have saved as well as Pins “picked for you” based off interests and “promoted pins” paid for by advertisers. From there a Pinner can save a Pin themselves onto Boards that they control and organize. Think of boards as online folders where users save ideas like recipes, outfits, vacation ideas, wedding plans, home décor, and so much more.

Now that you’ve got the gist of the Pinterest world, let’s take a look at some fascinating statistics:
  • According to DMR Digital Statistics, there are 176 million registered Pinterest users, 85% of those users are female.
  • Of all US social media users, 30% use Pinterest.
  • Sixty-seven percent of Pinterest users are under the age of 40.
  • While the male population is small on Pinterest, in 2015 the representation of male users grew 120%.
  • Sixty-six percent of users say they use Pinterest to inspire them.
  • The percentage of millennial users on Pinterest is 67%.
  • Seventy-nine percent of millennials use Pinterest to teach them to do things, 84% of millennials use Pinterest to discover things related to health and fitness, and 80% of millennials use Pinterest to help them find things to buy.
  • According to USA Today, 80% of users access the network via mobile device
If you’re an advertiser, you’re probably eager to reach this specific and captive audience. Well, lucky for you, now you can! Pinterest has recently unrolled their advertising platform to small and medium sized businesses allowing the “mom and pop” shops of the world to reach Pinners.

Pinterest has many advantages to advertising on their social network.
  1. According to Social Marketing Writing, the half-life of a Pin is 3.5 months which is 1,680 times longer than a Facebook post!
  2. The audience on Pinterest is actively seeking ideas, information, creativity, advice, etc. Personally, I go to Pinterest just as often, if not more, than Google when searching for a product to help me complete the task at hand.
  3. Promoted Pins look nearly identical to organic Pins so users don’t see them as intrusive or annoying.
  4. Pinterest allows “cinematic” Pins on mobile which play with video advertising and are highly eye catching for mobile users. 
  5. Pinterest is growing and growing and growing
What more could you need? It’s time to start Pinning, reaching your audience, and raising that ROI.

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